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ES modify index settings

Modifying ES index settings #

To set index specific settings on ES you have three variants. You can modify settings:

In the examples below we are setting number_of_replicas. However, this is just an example. There are numerous other settings that you can set on the index level.


On existing index #

On the host localhost:9200 we will set number_of_replicas to 0 for index named my-index-name:

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9200/my-index-name?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "settings": {
    "number_of_replicas": 0

Or a more compact way:

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9200/my-index-name/_settings" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{ "number_of_replicas": 0 }'

In case you want to do it for all indices, you can first fetch them and then execute for each like:

$urls = curl -X GET "http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?h=index"

foreach ($url in $urls) {
    curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9200/$url/_settings" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{ "number_of_replicas": 0 }'


For future indices #

Then we will set template for all future indices whose name starts with index-name_:

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9200/_index_template/my_template_name?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "index_patterns": ["index-name_*"],
  "template": {
    "settings": {
      "number_of_replicas": 0
  "priority": 500


To delete (remove) index template #

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:9200/_index_template/my_template_name?pretty"


On index creation #

At the time of creating index you can specify settings object in the body of the request.

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9200/test?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "settings": {
    "number_of_replicas": 0
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
